20 Industrial Bedroom Style Ideas : Create Aesthetically Elegant Interiors

Industrial bedroom

Davidrayhomes.com – Interior style is an essential thing for you to create in your bedroom. By using the right interior design and style, you can create the character and atmosphere you want. One of the interior styles that can be your choice is industrial. Using this interior style will give an aesthetic look to your bedroom. Moreover, designing an industrial bedroom makes your room looks elegant. It has a dramatic nuance of the dim lights. This design offers you a calm impression.

In addition, the materials you use such as wood, concrete, and iron can give a unique appearance to the interior of the bedroom. Thus, this design fits you who want to decorate an attractive bedroom. For that, in this article, we will discuss 20 Industrial Bedroom Style Ideas: Create Aesthetically Elegant Interiors. Let’s discuss!

  1. Industrial Design with Minimalist Accents

Industrial design has an elegant look. It uses dark tone colors to emerge a mysterious impression. You can use black color and light grey color for the wall. Those colors are attractive to cover your bedroom’s wall. Let the light grey color with some white casts.

Industrial Design with Minimalist Accents

The furniture in this room is fewer. It only has small ceiling lights and two pendant lights to bring an industrial look. The raw materials will make it perfect, let the ceiling has concrete textures. For the ornaments, put two monochrome frames on the wall.

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  1. Industrial Bedroom with An Exposed Brick Wall

The industrial interior uses raw materials to emerge the industrial impression. This bedroom has an exposed brick wall. You can use wallpaper or a real brick wall to bring an industrial era impression to your bedroom. On the other side, hang a long black curtain to darken the nuance.

Industrial Bedroom with An Exposed Brick Wall

The furniture in this bedroom is limited to the items that you need the most. It has one bed, some comfy pillows, one comfy chair, and an industrial wall clock. Combine the black colors with other black colors for the bed and chair. You can let the brick wall as it is.

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  1. Small Spaces with An Industrial Design

A small room looks elegant to apply industrial design. It fits the limited spaces. Let the brick wall seems natural and ancient. You can add a long curtain with dark grey color. The lights in this bedroom are a big white chandelier on the ceiling.

Small Spaces with An Industrial Design

This bedroom is a semi-private room. Add a partition to split your room with the dressing room. The partition is optional, you can change it with other furniture such as a cabinet or one table side. For the industrial effect, use the black color and other bold colors, but it is okay to have a lighter bed cover.

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  1. Modern Bedroom with Industrial Accents

A spacious bedroom gives you more space to apply any design. Even, you can combine more than one design. This bedroom has a neat impression and elegant points on the spots. The industrial accents are the black spotlights, dark grey tiles, and black sliding doors.

Modern Bedroom with Industrial Accents

The modern impression in this bedroom is the herringbone floor tiles, plain grey wall paint, and how you arrange the bed. This bed has dark grey blankets, a white bed cover, and beige pillows. To make it looks dramatic, you can install some hidden lights to brighten the dark spots on the stone wall.

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  1. Semi-Private Bedroom in Industrial Design

Do you like a semi-private bedroom? This design offers stunning ideas to grant your wish. You can create a simple bedroom by installing a full partition made of glass and a black trellis. It brings an industrial era into your bedroom.

Semi-Private Bedroom in Industrial Design

The interior of this bedroom is free to design. You can bring the Bohemian and modern style to beautify your bedroom. Hang some dim lights on the wall to bring a dramatic impression. If your bedroom has an attic window on the top, it helps you to shine the bedroom.

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  1. Industrial Bedroom with Black Hanger

The industrial bedroom has an elegant look by using more black colors. If you like to have some industrial accents in your bedroom, add three floating hangers on the ceiling. It looks simple and saves on your space. Let the white wall be a perfect pair with the concrete wall.

Industrial Bedroom with Black Hanger

Here, this design has two wall colors. Those are catchy to represent the modern and industrial impression. To give this bedroom an industrial vibe, install a simple wall bulb to brighten your bed for the night reading. This design is a great combination of minimalist design and industrial accents.

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  1. Industrial Bedroom with Cabin Impression

Do you have a cabin? The interior of the wooden cabin looks attractive to emerge the Industrial vibes. It uses lots of wooden materials. You can see it on the roof, wall, the floor. The natural patterns of the wooden materials are stunning to strengthen the elegant nuance.

Industrial Bedroom with Cabin Impression

Moreover, you can put some classic furniture such as a wooden chair, light grey carpet, and a giant wallpaper to cover the wall behind your headboard. Hang some long cotton linen curtains. Add two groups of pendant lights to be your aesthetic chandelier.

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  1. Concrete Wall for Stunning Industrial Bedroom

The Industrial bedroom looks good if you put more raw materials to draw attention. It is attractive to let your wall has concrete textures. The natural grey color brings a taste of outdoor or cave vibes. Thrive some indoor ornamental plants to have such as succulents, vine plants, and as such.

Concrete Wall for Stunning Industrial Bedroom

For the color choices, grey color is easy to combine with dark furniture.  Choose the bed cover that has simple patterns. It can the dark grey pillows with a comfy blanket. For the lighting, add simple desk lamps with a minimalist design. Thus, the wooden table side can be an alternative if you want an eccentric design.

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  1. Industrial Bedroom with a Plain Wall

The industrial design looks simple with fewer ornaments. You can let the wall bare, or install one neon light to look out point on the wall. For the extra elegant side, hang a dark grey curtain and three small spotlights on the ceiling. Thus, the floor color looks good in the same tone.

Industrial Bedroom with a Plain Wall

For the furniture arrangement, you can place the bedroom against the wall or in the corner of the wall. Decorate your side table with an ornament. Do not let the headboard looks plain, just install two small pendant lights to give a dim nuance at night.

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  1. Matching Industrial Bedroom and Eccentric Accents

The industrial bedroom looks interesting to combine some strange accents. You can put yellow accents on this bedroom. The bedroom light is catchy to put on the brick wall. To look out the point, install a small neon lamp on the wall. It makes your Industrial wall looks catchy.

Matching Industrial Bedroom and Eccentric Accents

For the mysterious nuance, you can apply all grey colors in this room. Take a look at the bed, choose some grey pillows with various tone colors. Moreover, it looks attractive to have fewer white pillows for contrast. You will see the elegance of the matching wooden floor.

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  1. Studio Bedroom with Industrial Design

The small room is catchy to have an Industrial style. This design has an old nuance, but the raw materials make it stunning. The industrial design is identical to dark colors. Moreover, wooden and metal elements dominate the bedroom. For example, the concrete textures give a breath of fresh air.

Studio Bedroom with Industrial Design

Look at the furniture, it consists of basic things. The bed suits the small spaces. It has two pairs of grey pillows. The blanket looks catchy to cover the bed. Thus, the extra lights emerge an elegant impression in the corner. You adapt this design to simplify your bedroom design with an industrial theme.

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  1. Tying the Bedroom Look with A Dark Industrial Nuance

Industrial design sometimes brings you a dim impression. It represents an old time of the Industrial era. Hang four spotlights on the ceiling will create a dramatic impression on both sides of your wall. Place the two spotlights to shine on the brick wall. It makes your wall looks elegant.

Tying the Bedroom Look with A Dark Industrial Nuance

The furniture choices depend on your need. Put a comfy bed against the wall. Take some pillows to decorate the bed. If you have limited space, put a simple side table near the bed. You do not need to make this room looks all industrial, but having some modern accents are impressive.

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  1. Minimalist Bedroom With An Industrial Wall Design

Minimalist design is easy to combine with other ideas. You can apply an Industrial design with the grey wall and white casts. This color looks eccentric and unique. To simplify the design, add one pendant light for your bed.

Minimalist Bedroom With An Industrial Wall Design

The room colors can adjust the grey nuance, you can throw the light grey bed cover. Use the stripped monochrome pillow cover to add more accents. For the floor design, use wooden patterns that will emerge a pleasing contrast.

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  1. Wall Mural and Ancient Brick for Industrial Accents

You will this bedroom looks attractive by the wall. The old brick wall is the center point in this bedroom. The other wall is plain and has a dark grey color. You can match this style with wooden furniture such as a wicker basket, ladder, and a small wooden chair.

Wall Mural and Ancient Brick for Industrial Accents

The bed cover may adjust the greyish nuance, and the pillows have the same tone. Add a woven fabric to sweeten your bed. The white pillow on the bed has a contrasting accent. Put a small ornamental plant to beautify the corner.

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  1. All Grey Colors with Industrial Accents

This bedroom is all grey. The wall has a medium tone of grey, and the blanket and pillows are the same. To put an eccentric accent, you can put a contrasting white pillow. Add more whitish accents through the white frames and aesthetic photographs.

All Grey Colors with Industrial Accents

The furniture in this bedroom is the bed and side table. You do not need lots of furniture to make it catchy. Put some small ornaments that will help you with the decoration. Moreover, the headboard can be your simple bookshelf. You can choose the table lamp to shine you while doing the night reading.

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  1. Industrial Bedroom with Luxurious Design

The industrial bedroom looks catchy to combine with luxurious design. It uses some elegant furniture to make it elegant. The design of the bedroom’s wardrobe looks glamorous. It uses sliding doors and glass materials.

Industrial Bedroom with Luxurious Design

This bedroom is vast, so you can decorate it creatively. The large window provides natural sunlight to brighten the interior. The bed is low, but catchy with the whitish fabrics. If you can see it, the brick accents of the wall can emerge as the Industrial element.

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  1. Industrial Bedroom and A Plain Design

The industrial bedroom has some raw materials. This bedroom uses exposed brick walls, black pipes, and a rough wooden bed. The floor has a comfy carpet to warm your feet. Moreover, the chest against the bed is useful to save your private things.

Industrial Bedroom and A Plain Design

This bedroom doesn’t have much furniture. You can simply put the things that you need the most. The bed cover is neat with some pillows in different patterns. The bookshelf is made of pipes, that allow you to arrange lots of books and ornaments. If your brick wall looks plain, hang a giant frame to cover it.

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  1. Industrial Bedroom with Golden Accents

The next idea that you can follow in creating a bedroom with an industrial style is to determine the accents in it. An accent is a decoration that can give you a certain character in the interior. For example, you can use gold accents in the interior of your industrial bedroom.

Industrial Bedroom with Golden Accents

Gold accents will give an elegant and luxurious look to a simple industrial concept. To create this accent, you can create it on furniture, decorations, or accessories in the bedroom. You can also create this accent in any concept you want, either simple or festive in industrial style. For that, make your industrial bedroom style more elegant using this idea.

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  1. Industrial Bedroom with Natural Accents

You can also create other accents in your industrial-style bedroom interior creatively. For example, you can create natural accents in your industrial-style interior. Natural accents can give you a warm and refreshing interior character. In addition, you can also choose this accent freely for the furniture, decorations, or accessories you use.

Industrial Bedroom with Natural Accents

For example, you can use wood as a warm natural accent in your industrial bedroom. Meanwhile, you can also use ornamental plants as a refreshing natural accent in the interior. Choose and combine these natural accents according to the industrial interior concept you want.

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  1. Industrial Bedroom with Great Natural Lightings

The last idea that you can follow in creating an industrial-style bedroom is to create good lighting. One type of lighting that you can choose is from natural sources. Natural lighting will provide a bright atmosphere throughout the day in the interior of your industrial bedroom.

Industrial Bedroom with Great Natural Lightings

In addition, this type of lighting is also energy efficient for you to use whenever you need it. Therefore, you can choose a variety of natural lighting sources that you want and need in your bedroom. For example, you can use windows, skylight roofs, or create your bedroom in a semi-outdoor concept. Moreover, with good lighting, your industrial furniture and decorations will be more stand out and attractive.

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Thus our discussion of 20 Industrial Bedroom Style Ideas: Create Aesthetically Elegant Interiors. By using the right interior style, you can create a comfortable and beautiful bedroom. One of the styles that you can create in your bedroom is the industrial concept. The industrial bedroom has an elegant impression of the interior design.

You can apply some of the ideas above to decorate your dream bedroom. Pick some raw materials if you have no idea to emerge the design by yourself. Moreover, you can also choose and combine the above industrial bedroom style ideas as impressively as possible. For that, be yourself and design the industrial bedroom nicely. Thus, your bedroom will become an attractive and cozy place for all your activities at any time. Happy decorating!


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