Renovating Your Kitchen? Here Are a Few of the Commonly Missed Steps in the Process


You may be thinking of modernizing your kitchen or looking to create more space and improve functionality. But renovating your kitchen is a big process. There are many steps along the way. Without careful planning, you could miss some important ones. Both DIYers and those who hire a professional still need a detailed plan for the renovation. It will help to keep you on track and manage your expectations and expenses. Here are a few commonly missed steps in the kitchen renovation process.


Notifying Your Homeowners Insurance

Homeowners should notify their homeowners insurance company if they are renovating. Many policies cover the costs of renovating once the homeowner has paid the deductible. Getting in touch with the homeowners insurance company should be part of the planning. It will help the homeowner know how much the insurance company will cover. Some policies do not cover renovations. People should look for the best homeowners insurance that will cover their needs.

Updating Your Homeowners Insurance

Once the homeowner has completed the kitchen renovation, it is vital to update the insurance. With the renovation, the homeowner has added significant value to the home. The homeowner may have installed updated cabinets, improved lighting, or other modern conveniences. But the old policy may not cover that value if there is a natural disaster. Renovating a kitchen can be a long and grueling process, even if professionals do the bulk of the work.

Having to pay for damages out of pocket after a natural disaster is adding insult to injury — plus, the funds may not be available. Homeowners should document the kitchen renovation with photos before, during, and after completion.

One final thought to consider when updating homeowners insurance is the liability part of the policy. A kitchen renovation means that often multiple people who do not live in the home are working there. Liability insurance protects the homeowner if those people injure themselves while in the home.

Consulting With Professionals

Homeowners who hire a professional for a kitchen renovation choose to have another person do the work. However, if the homeowner does not call around and get quotes, they might not get what they hoped for. Calling for quotes allows a homeowner to get a better price. The homeowner will also want to know the professional will approach the job with a plan for protecting other parts of the home from damage.

Some homeowners want to tackle the kitchen renovation project themselves. Many have experience in carpentry or a great, can-do attitude and willingness to learn. But experienced or not, it is vital to still consult with professionals. This can help the homeowner to ensure their plans are functional. Safety is also a key issue, especially if modifying or removing walls.

Make Renovating Your Kitchen a Success

Whether you’re tackling the big project yourself or hiring a professional, planning will get you through it. You can protect your home and your finances. Consult with professionals and stay in contact with the homeowners insurance company. Consider them your partner in the process that will help you make sure you have covered all your bases. Your home is a big investment, and a kitchen renovation will add value to that investment. Don’t skip these simple steps, and you’ll be enjoying your new kitchen in no time.


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