Tips for Watering Your Ornamental Plants: Create Beautiful and Fresh Accents

1408 – All living things on earth need water, especially for plants. Even though some plants can live without soil but they will die if they don’t get water. This article is for those of you who want to nurture some ornamental plants indoors. Each plant has different characteristics and different needs to grow well indoors. We will help you to create a watering chart based on the kind of ornamental plants. Some ornamental plants have different water needs. They require different treatment in the watering schedule. For that, in this article, we will discuss Tips for Watering Your Ornamental Plants: Create Beautiful and Fresh Accents. Let’s see the kind of ornamental plants and their watering charts below. Let’s discuss!

Air Plant and Terrarium Plant

Air Plant and Terrarium Plant

What comes to your mind when you see Air plant? This plant looks like a dead plant if you hang it freely on the ceiling. It is an amazing plant that can live in the air alone, but it needs water at certain times. The Air plant needs to get weekly watering. This plant adjusts any medium to grow. You can spray their roots if you hang them on the ceiling.

Monstera Adansonii ‘Swiss Cheese’

Monstera Adansonii ‘Swiss Cheese’

Monstera Adansonii is an expensive species of Monstera plant. This species has unique leaves with some holes in them. Providing adequate sunlight and water influence the color of its leaves. It grows better in high humidity with warm light. To keep the moist soil, it requires weekly watering by using freshwater. Give gentle water drops to keep the soil healthy.

String of Pearls

String of Pearls

A string of pearls is a vining plant with a unique appearance. It has long strings with small green ‘pearls’. This plant loves high humidity and medium indirect sunlight. Put this plant in a shady place because too much light causes rotten leaves. Since this plant loves high humidity, you should water it when the soil is completely dry. Once a week schedule is enough for your string of pearls to grow healthy. Water the soil directly and don’t spray the green pearls.

Devil’s Ivy

Devil’s Ivy

Devil’s Ivy or Golden Pothos is a vining plant that usually decorates a fence, cupboard, and mounted wall shelves are attractive spots for them. This plant loves warm sunlight but can’t stay under direct sunlight because its leaves will fade. Devil’s Ivy needs adequate water and weekly watering is good for their growth.

ZZ Plant

ZZ Plant

Zanibar gem or ZZ plant is a perennial plant with deep green leaves. It is an easy growing plant for indoors and outdoors. ZZ plants can grow faster in a good environment. They like to get moderate to bright indirect sunlight. Even though this plant can survive in harsh conditions, but it needs adequate water monthly. The need for water depends on the temperature and climate around this plant.

Avocado Tree

Avocado Tree

Having an avocado tree in a room is such an interesting thing. This plant is a slow grower indoors, then you can move them outdoors when it is tall enough for your room. High humidity is good for this plant but it is better to get bright indirect sunlight at least six hours a day. An avocado tree needs weekly watering to maintain moist soil.

Prayer Plant

Prayer Plant

The prayer plant is an ornamental plant that has attractive foliages. Write down the schedule on the gardening note to water this plant once a week. This plant likes high humidity, then watering them by using a medium watering can to moist the soil. If the soil starts to dry, you should water it directly. Pour the water into their surroundings so you will not destroy their medium.

Monstera Deliciosa

Monstera Deliciosa

Monstera is an evergreen ornamental plant to grow indoors and outdoors. This plant is expensive for a certain state but it is catchy enough to thrive in any place. Nurturing the Monstera plant is not hard sometimes. It likes high humidity because its natural habitat provides enough water for them. Thus, watering this plant by using a small watering can give adequate water to their dry soil. Once a week is a proper schedule for this plant if you thrive them indoors and in high humidity.

Rubber Tree

Monstera Deliciosa

The next tips for watering is for rubber plant. Rubber Tree has the scientific name Ficus Elastica that you can see its latex if you scratch the woody stem. A rubber tree can grow taller outdoors. This plant likes bright indirect light and adequate water. You can water this plant when the soil starts to dry. Watering them by using a small watering can is just fine to keep the humidity around them. If you grow them indoors, watering them once a week is the right proportion to grow Rubber trees in a shady place.

Giant Peace Lily

Giant Peace Lily

Spathiphyllum floribundum or Giant peace lily is a species of the Lily family. This plant has deep green leaves that can grow larger. You can thrive this plant indoors to fresh the atmosphere. Giant peace lily needs adequate water, then you should check the humidity by pulling your finger in the soil to feel how dry or wet it is. A half of watering can every once a week is enough because it drinks heaps.

Fiddle Leaf Figs

Fiddle Leaf Figs

Fiddle Leaf Figs tree is a woody ornamental plant that can grow large and tall. With the proper maintenance, this plant will be happy and grow even faster. Love and take care of this plant-like baby because it gives greenery accents beautifully for you. Water once a week is a good proportion for your Fiddle Lead Figs. Don’t forget to let the soil is dry completely before the next watering.

Spider Plants

Spider Plants

The last tips for watering is for spider plants. Spider plants suit the outdoors and indoors environment. These plants need less water in the winter and rainy seasons. Thus, you can thrive in any place that you like to grow. Water this plant once a week is enough to moist the soil. They can’t stand in watery soil, so the well-draining soil is the best medium for this plant.

Thus our discussion of Tips for Watering Your Ornamental Plants: Create Beautiful and Fresh Accents. Growing some ornamental plant indoors and outdoors bring fresh impression in your home. The greenery plants transform the bare atmosphere to get a shady look. Nurturing these plants is not easy sometimes. You need to check their healthy, soil, and observe their leaves, stems, and roots. The need for watering give a significant influence on your ornamental plants to grow well. Thus, the tips for watering we have shared above may help you to water your plant regularly. Happy gardening!


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