Sleep Well is Needed to live
Sleep is vital to every aspect of our lives, and yet at least 40 percent of us squeak by on far too little of it. That means we’re denying ourselves some pretty miraculous health benefits like healthy weight loss, better memory and even a revved-up sex drive.
Difficulty sleeping or commonly called Insomnia which is in sleep disorders symptoms of difficulty sleeping. These symptoms are usually followed by a functional disorder when waking up. Indeed uncomfortable suffer insomnia, even though the body was tired, but nonetheless you hard to close your eyes. So the consequences is your body will not fit enough to do the activity the next day.
There are several factors the causes of insomnia that ultimately led to the condition of sleeplessness on quite a long period of time. Starting from due to your lifestyle and room comfort problem. There are snacks you can eat, exercises you can do and products you can buy to boost sleep quality. But don’t ignore the most crucial part of the equation: Your bedroom

Having Peace
Peace in your heart and peace in your room is the solution for you to have a good sleep, so before you sleep let you pray first say give thanks to God, read good book or do meditation before you sleep, because without have peace in your heart, calm mind and soul, you can not rest even sleep well. But don’t forget to have better bathing for making you relax before you sleep. Maybe you need some arrangement for your bathroom for having a better bathing, we will discuss it later.
The last thing to make you sleep well is Peace in your room, when you feel peace atmosphere in your room, you can feel calm and relax and you can sleep well. Now, we will discuss about bedroom arrangement to make it happen, easy to sleep and sleep well a long the night. There are several things you should do towards the room and this will help you out from your insomnia problem.

Clear Out the Clutter : Make It Clean
Bedroom must restful and peaceful place, If an item does not fit that criteria, place it in the room where it does fit. So such thing like Exercise equipment, computers, TVs, gaming areas, family, friends, or kids must remove from your room and change it with the thing that represent romance, peace, and calm.” Keep your work desk and all supplies work such as laptops, smartphones, and books that help the work there is in the room. Move the work desk and equipment of your room. If you are still having to work on multiple tasks at home, make it up to 2 hours before bedtime.

Good mattress will Matter : Soft or hard
As the important of sleep well to our life, A great mattress should be our number one priority, So Take the time to choose a mattress that feels truly comfortable to you: Soft or hard doesn’t matter, as long as you find it relaxing.

Have a Better Room Layout and Position your Bed
The bed should not to the sides of the walls facing the West or to the East. Because that Both sides are usually too exposed to sunlight, so the heat will keep on the walls of your room and the heat is absorbed by the bed also. it’s better to Change the position of the bed clinging to the side of the wall facing north or South.

Adjust Your Layout Window
Do not put your bed position exactly facing the window. Because in the morning sunlight will penetrates the curtain and dazzle your eyes. After that your eyes should be widened, and the result the eye will feel tired even though you just wake up. Your Window position is better on the side of your bed and give a distance far enough from bed. To control sun rays intensity that dazzling you, you could use this type of curtain made from black-outs, or it could be using a sticker glass film that is able to withstand the direct rays of the Sun.

Your Bedroom Must Dark and Cool

Some experts believe that turning on the lights at night when sleep can cause biological effects. Use the lights to sleep little and keep his position from the bed so as not to dazzle the eye too. This includes light blocking shades, no LEDs on electronics, and no lit clock.
Position your AIR CONDITIONING not right above the bed but above next to the bed and not directly facing the bed. The temperature is most fitting for bed preferably with room temperature between 60 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Because the space that is too cold will make–not sleep, that will allow makes you awakened at midnight.
Fit and Adjust Your Wall Color Scheme

Even the color of your walls or bedding can influence the quality of your sleep. Calm, relaxing shades may help you calm your nervous system and nod off easier. Choose a cool color scheme like blue, purple, gray, silver, green, neutrals and cool colors, can lower blood pressure and heart rate to help ensure a proper night’s sleep. Too much fire color in a bedroom can create anxiety and restless sleep. You can add other accents that match the colors above, such as drapes, carpets, or by attaching the side walls partly wallpaper in your area. So keep providing coolness.