What Exactly Are Luxury Homes?


Most of us would love to live in a luxury home. Homes such as these are seen as modern, have minimalist décor, and are something to aspire to have. However, it is not always clear what luxury homes are or indeed, what makes them luxurious. Let’s take a look at this now:

The Amount of Space

The amount of space that a home has can be seen as quite luxurious. This is especially the case if there is a lot of room, perhaps more so than necessary. In addition to having a large kitchen and dining area, the hallways may be large. There may also be as many bathrooms as there are bedrooms. If this was not enough, a luxury home may also have huge gardens that seem to wrap around the property.

The Location

It’s fair to say that the location of the home will have a large impact on how luxurious it may seem. Luxury real estate will only ever be seen as luxurious if it is located in a part of the world that is known to be expensive. For example, a home in Woodinville Washington is much more likely to be deemed luxurious than one in Kelso, for example.

Location is key, as is the level of crime, how wide the roads are, and how clean the area is. If the homes in the area are surrounded by a lot of greenery, they are also likely to be considered luxurious.

The Floor-to-Ceiling Height

It goes without saying that all luxury homes are expected to have a good floor-to-ceiling height. Ideally, the height should be at least 12 feet, if it is not, the home may not be considered to be luxurious.

The floor-to-ceiling height opens up the home even more and it can let additional light in. Homes that have a low ceiling can often be quite dark, and no one wants to pay millions for a dark home. The additional height that is found in luxurious homes is often used to display pieces of art. They may also show off awards that musical artists have received over the years. No matter what the walls display, if anything at all, there should be a sufficient amount of space between the floor and the ceiling.

The Kitchen

Most luxurious homes have large kitchens. Some kitchens may even be as large as those found in hotels. Many luxury homes have wonderful granite or marble countertops. There may be more kitchen cupboards than are really needed, and there will be many different appliances. After all, when you are spending millions on a home, you will want it to have all of the modern conveniences.

The Bathrooms

Almost every luxury home will have more than enough bathrooms. It’s likely that the bathrooms will come with a long and wide bath tub, mirrors, and plenty of cabinets. Some bathrooms will even have separate showers that are very large. There may even be a sauna, a built-in television, and a touch-screen mirror.

Bathrooms in luxurious homes are likely to be very elegantly decorated. They can be as beautiful as the rest of the home, and a pleasure to spend time in.

The Bedrooms

Many luxury homes have more bedrooms than they need. However, this allows the owner of such homes to do what they wish with them. Spare bedrooms can be used as studios, offices, or play rooms. The more rooms there are, the more freedom people have. Most luxury homes have at least four bedrooms, allowing the owners to invite guests over, or turn their homes into a place of work.

The Level of Security

All luxurious homes need to have a high level of security. There is no point in having a beautiful, large home if it does not have state-of-the-art security. A high level of security is what people expect from luxurious homes. The people who live in expensive houses need to know that they are safe all day and all night. If the home is particularly expensive, there may be security guards protecting it.  While most luxury homes are located in areas that are deemed to be quite safe having extra security is ideal for peace of mind.

Although all luxury homes are different, they all tend to have one thing in common: extravagance. Homes such as these can be exceedingly beautiful, more so than you may have ever realized. It’s no wonder, then that more and more people are looking to buy a luxury home. They can offer so much more than regular homes and make day-to-day life even more enjoyable.


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